A stethoscope is a medical device for listening to sounds inside the body. The initial stethoscope was invented in the early 19th century by French physician Ren� Laennec, but was actually trying to achieve a rather different end: doctor-patient distance....
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Female Pelvic Bones
The female pelvis is structurally adapted for child bearing and delivery.
There are four pelvic bones
- innominate or hip bones
- Sacrum
- Coccyx
There are four pelvic bones
- innominate or hip bones
- Sacrum
- Coccyx
A. Innominate bones
Each innominate bone is composed of three parts.
1. The ilium the large flared out part
2. The ischium the thick lower part. It has a large prominance known as the ischial tuberosity on which the body rests when sitting. Behind and a little above the tuberosity is an inward projection, the ischial spine. In labour the station of the fetal head is estimated in relation to ischial spines.
3. The pubis - The pubic bone forms the anterior part. The space enclosed by the body of the pubic bone the rami and the ischium is called the obturator foramen.
Each innominate bone is composed of three parts.
1. The ilium the large flared out part
2. The ischium the thick lower part. It has a large prominance known as the ischial tuberosity on which the body rests when sitting. Behind and a little above the tuberosity is an inward projection, the ischial spine. In labour the station of the fetal head is estimated in relation to ischial spines.
3. The pubis - The pubic bone forms the anterior part. The space enclosed by the body of the pubic bone the rami and the ischium is called the obturator foramen.
B. The sacrum - awedge shaped bone consisting of five fused vertebrae. The upper border of the first sacral vertebra is known as the sacral promontary. The anterior surface of the sacrum is concave and is referred to as the hallow of the sacrum.
C. The coccyx: - is avestigial tail. It consists of four fused vertebrae forming a small triangular bone.
Pelvic Joints
There are four pelvic joints
- One Symphysis pubis
- Two Sacro illiac joint
- One Sacro coccygeal joint
- The symphysis pubis is a cartilgeous joint formed by junction of the two pubic bones along the midline.
The sacro iliac joints are the strongest joints in the body.
- The sacro coccygeal joint is formed where the base of the coccyx articulates with the tip of the sacrum.
In non pregnant state there is very little movement in these joints but during pregnancy endocrine activity causes theligaments to soften which allows the joints to give & provide more room for the fetal head as it passes through the pelvis.
Pelvic ligaments
Each of the pelvic joints is held together by ligaments
- Interpubic ligaments at the symphysis pubis (1)
- Sacro iliac ligaments (2)
- Sacro coccygeal ligaments (1)
- Sacro tuberous ligament (2)
- Sacro spinous ligament (2)
The True Pelvis
The true pelvis is the bony canal through which the fetus must pass during birth. It has a brim, mid cavity and an out let. The pelvic brim is rounded except where the sacral promontory projects into it. The pelvic cavity is extends from the brim above to the out let below. The pelvic out let are two and described as the anatomical and the obstetrical. The anatomical out let is formed by the lower borders of each of the bones together with the sacrotuberous ligament. It is diamond in shape. The obstretrical out let is of the space between the narrow pelvic strait and the anatomical outlet.
Pelvic Joints
There are four pelvic joints
- One Symphysis pubis
- Two Sacro illiac joint
- One Sacro coccygeal joint
- The symphysis pubis is a cartilgeous joint formed by junction of the two pubic bones along the midline.
The sacro iliac joints are the strongest joints in the body.
- The sacro coccygeal joint is formed where the base of the coccyx articulates with the tip of the sacrum.
In non pregnant state there is very little movement in these joints but during pregnancy endocrine activity causes theligaments to soften which allows the joints to give & provide more room for the fetal head as it passes through the pelvis.
Pelvic ligaments
Each of the pelvic joints is held together by ligaments
- Interpubic ligaments at the symphysis pubis (1)
- Sacro iliac ligaments (2)
- Sacro coccygeal ligaments (1)
- Sacro tuberous ligament (2)
- Sacro spinous ligament (2)
The True Pelvis
The true pelvis is the bony canal through which the fetus must pass during birth. It has a brim, mid cavity and an out let. The pelvic brim is rounded except where the sacral promontory projects into it. The pelvic cavity is extends from the brim above to the out let below. The pelvic out let are two and described as the anatomical and the obstetrical. The anatomical out let is formed by the lower borders of each of the bones together with the sacrotuberous ligament. It is diamond in shape. The obstretrical out let is of the space between the narrow pelvic strait and the anatomical outlet.
Friday, December 25, 2015
Importance of Obstetrics and Gynecology nursing
Ensuring healthy antenatal period followed by a safe normal delivery with a healthy child and an uneventful post partum period. Prompt and efficient cares during obstetrical emergencies also prevent so many of complications. The importance of the obstetric and gynecology nursing are:
- Equip the nurse with the knowledge and understanding of the Anatomy and physiology of reproductive organ be able to apply it in practice
- With a good knowledge of obstetric drugs including, the effect of diseases their Complications and know how to deal with them.
- Develop skills in carrying out antenatal care and be able to detect any abnormality, recognize and prevent complications.
- Select high risk cases for hospital delivery and provide health education.
- Develop skills in supporting the women in labour, maintain proper records, and deliver her safely and resuscitate her new born when necessary.
- Be able to care for the mother and baby during the post partum period and be able to identify abnormalities and help them to get-over it.
- Be able to educate them on care of the baby, immunization, family guidance and family spacing.
- Be ready to offer advice to support the mother and understand her problems as a mature, kind and helpful nurse.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Orthopedic surgery : free download e-book
Posted by
Channel Maymoon
free download,
Free ebook,
5:39 PM
James Edward Moore
James Edward Moore
Book digitized by Google and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb.
Number of Pages :393
This book is written as a text-book for students and as a ready-reference book for general practitioners. Special stress is laid upon early diagnosis, and, instead of giving in detail every method of treatment that has ever been employed, only such methods are given as in the writer's experience have yielded the best results.
This book is written as a text-book for students and as a ready-reference book for general practitioners. Special stress is laid upon early diagnosis, and, instead of giving in detail every method of treatment that has ever been employed, only such methods are given as in the writer's experience have yielded the best results.
- Deformities of The Spine and Thorax
- Scoliosis; Lateral Curvature; Rotary Lateral Curvature
- Torticollis (wry-neck)
- Pott's Disease and Typhoid Spine
- Infantile Spinal Paralysis; Progressive Muscular Atrophy
- Infantile Cerebral Paralysis, or Spastic Paralysis; Pseudohypertrophic Paralysis
- Talipes, or Club Foot; Weak Ankles
link : https://archive.org/details/orthopedicsurge00moorgoog
- Hallux Valgus; Bunion; Hammer-Toe; Metatar-Salgia
- Rickets (Rachitis)
- Bow-Legs
- Knock-Knee (Genu Valgum)
- Bending of The Neck of The Femur, or Coxa Vara
- Deformities of The Hand
- Diseases of Joints; Neuromimesis
- Tubercular Arthritis
- Hip-Joint Disesase (Morbus Coxae; Tubercular Arthritis of the Hip)
- Sacro-Iliac Disease (Sacrocoxitis)
- Disease of the Knee-Joint
- etc
link : https://archive.org/details/orthopedicsurge00moorgoog
- Hallux Valgus; Bunion; Hammer-Toe; Metatar-Salgia
- Rickets (Rachitis)
- Bow-Legs
- Knock-Knee (Genu Valgum)
- Bending of The Neck of The Femur, or Coxa Vara
- Deformities of The Hand
- Diseases of Joints; Neuromimesis
- Tubercular Arthritis
- Hip-Joint Disesase (Morbus Coxae; Tubercular Arthritis of the Hip)
- Sacro-Iliac Disease (Sacrocoxitis)
- Disease of the Knee-Joint
- etc
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses (Free eBook)
Posted by
Channel Maymoon
free download,
Free ebook,
patient safety and quality
4:52 PM
Editor: Ronda G Hughes, PhD, MHS,
This book explains wide
range of issues and literature regarding patient safety and quality health
care .Each of the chapters in this book is organized with a background
section and analysis of the literature. At the end of each chapter, you will
find two critical components. First, there is a “Practice Implications”
section that outlines how the evidence can be used to inform practice
changes. Second, there is a “Research Implications” section that outlines
research gaps that can be targeted by researchers and used by clinicians to
inform and guide decisions for practice.
Throughout these pages, you will find peer-reviewed discussions and
reviews of a wide range of issues and literature regarding patient
safety and quality health care. Owing to the complex nature of health
care, this book provides some insight into the multiple factors that
determine the quality and safety of health care as well as patient,
nurse, and systems outcomes. Each of these 51 chapters and 3 leadership
vignettes presents an examination of the state of the science behind
quality and safety concepts and challenges the reader to not only use
evidence to change practices but also to actively engage in developing
the evidence base to address critical knowledge gaps. Patient safety and
quality care are at the core of health care systems and processes and
are inherently dependent upon nurses. To achieve goals in patient safety
and quality, and thereby improve health care throughout this nation,
nurses must assume the leadership role.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Free Download / View ebook Applied Psychology for Nurses
This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and withalmost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License includedwith this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org
This little book is the outgrowth of a conviction, strengthened by some
years of experience with hundreds of supposedly normal young people in
schools and colleges, confirmed by my years of training in a
neurological hospital and months of work in a big city general hospital,
that it is of little value to help some people back to physical health
if they are to carry with them through a prolonged life the miseries of
a sick attitude. As nurses I believe it is our privilege and our duty to
work for health of body and health of mind as inseparable. Experience
has proved that too often the physically ill patient (hitherto nervously
well) returns from hospital care addicted to the illness-accepting
attitude for which the nurse must be held responsible.
Format : HTML, EPUB (with images), Kindle
Free download Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing (PDF)
Posted by
Channel Maymoon
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Free ebook,
Maternal and Fetal Health,
6:23 PM
by Meselech
Assegid, Alemaya University
Funded under USAID Cooperative Agreement No. 663-A-00-00-0358-00.
This lecture note offers nurses comprehensive knowledge necessary for the modern health care of women with up-todate clinically relevant information in women’s health care. It addresses and contains selected chapters and topics which are incorporated in the obstetrics and gynecology course for nurses. However, a major focus is provided on the role of the nurse in providing quality maternal and newborn care.
Topics covered includes: Anatomy of Female Pelvis
and The Fetal Skull, Normal Pregnancy, Normal Labour, Normal Puerperium,
Abnormal Pregnancy, Abnormal Labour, Abnormal Puerperium, Induction of Labour,
Obstetric Operations and Infection of the Female Reproductive Organs.
Free download Practical nursing; a text-book for nurses
Book digitized by Google from the library of Harvard University and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb.
"Reference books": p. 863-864
"Reference books": p. 863-864
This note covers the following topics: Qualification of a nurse,
Bacteriology, Ventilation, Care of the ward, Bed-making, Care and comfort
of the patient, Symptoms, Temperature pulse and respiration, Baths and packs,
Counter-irritants, The urine, Douches, Enemata and Lavage, Administration of
medicines ,Emergencies, Bandages strapping and splints, Preparation for
gynaecological treatments, Surgical dressings, Treatment requiring aseptic
precautions, Care of patient before and after operation, Operating-room
technique, synopsis of important diseases, Communiable contagious and infectious
diseases, Non-infectios diseases, Food and Massage.
link: http://www.freebookcentre.net/medical_books_download/Practical-nursing;-a-text-book-for-nurses.html
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