Friday, August 7, 2015

Developmental Milestones

A method of evaluation has been developed using an interview technique in which parents are asked questions regarding milestones in achievements that most will remember. The child's developmental quotient (DQ) can be determined according to the parents' answers. A DQ less than 70% signifies a delay requiring further evaluation.
1 month Raises head slightly from prone, makes crawling movements Birth: visually fixes
1 mo: has tight grasp, follows to midline
Alerts to sound Regards face
2 month Holds head in midline, lifts chest off table No longer clenches fist tightly, follows object past midline Smiles socially (after being stroked or talked to) Recognizes parent
3 month Supports on forearms in prone, holds head up steadily Holds hands open at rest, follows in circular fashion, responds to visual threat Coos (produces long vowel sounds in musical fashion) Reaches for familiar people or objects, anticipates feeding
4 month Rolls front to back, supports on wrists and shifts weight Laughs, orients to voice Enjoys looking around environment
5 month Rolls back to front, sits supported Transfers objects Says “ah-goo,” blows raspberries, orients to bell (localizes laterally)
6 month Sits unsupported, puts feet in mouth in supine position Unilateral reach, uses raking grasp Babbles Recognizes strangers
7 month Creeps Orients to bell (localized indirectly)
8 month Comes to sit, crawls Inspects objects “Dada” indiscriminately Fingerfeeds
9 month Pivots when sitting, pulls to stand, cruises Uses pincer grasp, probes with forefinger, holds bottle, throws objects “Mama” indiscriminately, gestures, waves bye-bye, inhibits to “no” Starts to explore environment; plays gesture games (eg, pat-a-cake)
10 month Walks when led with both hands held “Dada/mama” discriminately; orients to bell (directly)
11 month Walks when led with one hand held One word other than “dada/mama,” follows 1-step command with gesture
12 month Walks alone Uses mature pincer grasp, releases voluntarily, marks paper with pencil Uses two words other than “dada/mama,” immature jargoning (runs several unintelligible syllables together) Imitates actions, comes when called, cooperates with dressing
13 month Uses three words
14 month Follows 1-step command without gesture
15 month Creeps up stairs, walks backwards Scribbles in imitation, builds tower of 2 blocks in imitation Uses 4 to 6 words 15 to 18 mo: uses spoon, uses cup independently
17 month Uses 7 to 20 words, points to 5 body parts, uses mature jargoning (includes intelligible words in jargoning)
18 month Runs, throws objects from standing without falling Scribbles spontaneously, builds tower of 3 blocks, turns 2 to 3 pages at a time Uses 2-word combinations Copies parent in tasks (sweeping, dusting), plays in company of other children
19 month Knows 8 body parts
21 month Squats in play, goes up steps Builds tower of 5 blocks Uses 50 words, 2-word sentences Asks to have food and to go to toilet
24 month Walks up and down steps without help Imitates stroke with pencil, builds tower of 7 blocks, turns pages one at a time, removes shoes, pants, etc. Uses pronouns (I, you, me) inappropriately, follows 2-step commands Parallel play
30 month Jumps with both feet off floor, throws ball overhand Holds pencil in adult fashion, performs horizontal and vertical strokes, unbuttons Uses pronouns appropriately, understands concept of “1,” repeats 2 digits forward Tells first and last names when asked; gets self drink without help
3 year Can alternate feet when going up steps, pedals tricycle Copies a circle, undresses completely, dresses partially, dries hands if reminded Uses minimum 250 words, 3-word sentences; uses plurals, past tense; knows all pronouns; understands concept of “2” Group play, shares toys, takes turns, plays well with others, knows full name, age, sex
4 year Hops, skips, alternates feet going down steps Copies a square, buttons clothing, dresses self completely, catches ball Knows colors, says song or poem from memory, asks questions Tells “tall tales,” plays cooperatively with a group of children
5 year Skips alternating feet, jumps over low obstacles Copies triangle, ties shoes, spreads with knife Prints first name, asks what a word means Plays competitive games, abides by rules, likes to help in household tasks
Custer, J.W., Rau, R.E., and Lee, C.K. (Eds.) (2008). The Harriet Lane Handbook (18th ed.). Philadelphia: Elsevier


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